Friday Quiz – Mystery Link Posted on 11 August 202312 August 2023 by admin The one-word answers to these ten questions have something in common. Can you work it out? Welcome to your Weekly Quiz 11 August 2023 – Mystery Link. 1. On the basis of nationality, what people are recorded as having the highest annual gambling losses per head of population? 2. How many of the 46 people to serve as US President took office when they were over 40 years old? None Some All None 3. In tennis, what 3-letter word describes a serve where the ball clips the net, but is otherwise legal? (In such an instance, the serve must be re-played) 4. If a doctor referred you for an ultrasound scan, he or she might simply abbreviate this request as what two letters, followed by details of the location to be investigated? 5. What fourth name joined musical supergroup Crosby, Stills and Nash in 1969? This fourth artist was permitted to also continue performing with his own backing band, called Crazy Horse. 6. Online research resource describes itself in it's full logo and banner as "the WHAT encyclopedia"? 7. In Greek mythology, what adjective is used to describe the fleece that was sought by Jason and the Argonauts? 8. What natural substance is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as "the biologically active, porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of Earth’s crust"? 9. What English word can create common phrases by coming before theatre, office or truth, or by coming after nursing, holiday or welcome? 10. In architecture, what 'G' names a horizontal structural support also known as a sheeting rail inside a framed wall? An example is pictured, and it is from this word that the similar word "girder" was derived. Before you hit Submit, review your answers and see if you can identify this week’s hidden link. (Of course, if you can, it may help you to fill in any of the answers you didn’t already know!) Time’s up