Weekly Quiz 25 August 2023 – History Welcome to your Weekly Quiz 25 August 2023 - History. 1. A defensive trench around a castle, usually filled with water, has what name? 2. A "gnomon", often in the form of an upright triangle of metal, is the critical element that allows which ancient device to do its job (on clear days, at least)? 3. Australia's only military coup (an uprising against Governor William Bligh in NSW in the early 1800s) was named the WHAT Rebellion, where the missing word is a type of alcoholic spirit? 4. Which Caesar, later immortalised on stage by William Shakespeare, was murdered by Roman senators in 44BC? 5. The 4th of July is known to Americans by what two-word name, commemorating an important milestone in their nation's history? 6. Who was king of England when the First Fleet sailed to Australia? 7. Guy Fawkes is remembered in British history for his role in a scheme that became known as the WHAT plot, beginning with G? 8. What type of aircraft was invented by Graf von Zeppelin around the start of the 20th century? 9. According to legend, as told in Homer's Illiad, which city did the ancient Greeks ransack by smuggling soldiers through the gates inside a wooden horse? 10. What was the first name of the Australian indigenous campaigner Mabo, who gave his name to the famous "Mabo" high court judgement that established native title in Australia? Time's up