Covid-19 Information

COVID-19 Safety

BrisQuiz events comply with Queensland health directives with regards to the management and prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and other transmissible illnesses. We work with host venues to ensure compliance with government regulations and venue policies.

Current directives in Queensland have removed the requirements for masks, check-ins and vaccinations. BrisQuiz does, however, encourage players and attendees to make informed choices regarding their health and wellbeing, remembering that the close proximity nature of trivia events presents a risk of transmission of various illnesses including COVID-19. Players are encouraged to wash and sanitise their hands during play, as well as taking any other precautions they desire (such as wearing masks) to protect themselves and others.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a heightened awareness of transmissible illnesses including the common cold. Colds and flu-like viruses can be curtailed by practising good hygiene, and staying home if you are unwell; we encourage all participants in BrisQuiz trivia events to also consider their fellow players when making decisions about their own health

Our trivia presenters are trained in appropriate public safety measures including hand hygiene and physical distancing. In the event that stringent public health directives are reintroduced in BrisQuiz venues, our quizmasters and venue staff are committed to implementing and upholding these.

(Last updated 06-09-2022)

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